Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thinking Ahead - Christmas Cards

I've been thinking for a few weeks about Christmas cards and was wondering what I should do this year. Now that we have our new addition to our home, I decided I would print calendars for each set of grandparents for Christmas. What a great gift for them! I'm really excited to get them in the mail!! I also just found out that they do birthday cards. I wish I had known about that for Anna's first birthday. Maybe next year will be our year to use that feature! I wanted to do a photo card. I've never done a photo card before but I use Shutterfly to print photos and make photo books like this one...

and I knew that Shutterfly always did a great job getting my printing needs met. So, I thought I would take a peek and see what they had. They've got some great designs this year and I'm really excited to get our Christmas cards now! They make it really easy to just put a few cute pictures from the year into your card. Some of the cards even have the feature of adding your Christmas letter right into the inside of the card. How easy is that?! I know that around the holidays I run out of time and don't seem to have enough time to put a letter together. I also know that Shutterfly gives you the option of having them mail your cards for you. You wouldn't even get them sent to your home. I can't possibly imagine a better time saver! To add icing onto the cake, I came across this opportunity that Shutterfly had a great opportunity for bloggers to get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly...sign up! Here are a few of my favorite card ideas.

Joy Magic Story Christmas is such a cute design! I love that it shows the montage of pictures and still brings out joy and magic, which are the highlights of our Christmas this year. We can't wait to see the magic of Christmas through our daughter's eyes! This will be her second Christmas, but she was so young last year that she slept through most of it!

Family Wall Noir Christmas is very simple and straight to the point. It allows you to highlight many pictures from the year on the cover but is still very classy and sophisticated. It has a very clean, neat cut to it.

Many Memories Trees Christmas is also a little more basic but trendy. I like how it says "Merry Christmas" right in the middle of the card. I think I would have to use black and white photos on mine too so that it would bring out that "Merry Christmas" greeting.

This is also one of my favorites. It's called "Most Wonderful Story". I like that it is focused on just one picture with the red stripe around it. It's almost as though that picture is a present. That is how I feel about Anna. I feel that she is God's gift to us. I think maybe for that reason I would have to pick this card.
I'm not sure which one I'll pick. But, I know that in the end it won't matter. I will have a great Christmas card that I was able to make stress free! Take a peek and see what you find. Maybe you'll find a card that will work great for your family this year!

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